New Release - The Woolmark Company's 'Wear Wool, Not Fossil Fuel'

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September 5, 2022
New Release - The Woolmark Company's 'Wear Wool, Not Fossil Fuel'

Out now: The Woolmark Company's 'Wear Wool, Not Fossil Fuel' campaign

The Woolmark Company's 'Wear Wool, Not Fossil Fuel' campaign is a team up between Studio Birthplace and The Woolmark Company to educate people about the hidden impact of synthetic fabrics on the environment based on the insight that every 25 minutes, an Olympic pool’s worth of crude oil is used to produce synthetic clothing.

Woolmark approached us with a clear challenge: how do we educate the public on the enormous impact the synthetic clothing industry has on our planet?

We teamed up with London based agency 20 Something to craft the answer which came in the form of a data visualization concept - visualizing an Olympic sized pool filled with oil which is used for the production of synthetic clothing, every 25 minutes. ​

We collaborated on the production with our London based partner Park Village and Silver Lining Films in South Africa.

Learn More:

Watch 'Wear Wool, Not Fossil Fuel' here.