Marketech APAC: MoneyTrees

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May 23, 2024
Marketech APAC: MoneyTrees

"Greenpeace’s latest campaign with Studio Birthplace, Heckler SG a wakeup call on ending corporate destruction of nature." - Marketech APAC

MoneyTrees has been featured on Marketch APAC, a a marketing-centric media company/

An excerpt from the article:

Led by Heckler Singapore creative director Cody Amos, the VFX team got to work setting the forest on fire. They also created some of the forest environment, including a few CG trees and wood embers, along with compositing the eye-catching fire elements that star heavily in the video.

Opening on a disturbing scene of profit-driven bankers destroying a rainforest with their chainsaws, the visuals then flip to the rainforest and bankers’ boardroom scene being engulfed in a frenzy of embers and flames.

Read the full article here.

Learn more:

Watch "MoneyTrees" here.