Humanity's Impact Write Up On It's Nice That

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June 14, 2021
Humanity's Impact Write Up On It's Nice That

"Studio Birthplace’s new animation raises awareness around the impact of plastic bottle pollution".

It's Nice That has featured Humanity's Impact on their website.

Here's an excerpt from their article:

The film is both educational and entertaining, employing comedic film techniques to make the serious topic of pollution easier to digest. “We believe that comedy can be a powerful tool to help tell some of the saddest stories in our world,” says the studio’s directors Sil and Jorik.

“It can allow for an easy way in which the audience make it easier to call out the ugly side of our consumer culture. We created mannequin-like dummies that not only represent us but that also put up a mirror to us. It is easier to make fun of a plastic dummy rather than a real human, after all, it’s only a dummy.”

Read the full article here.

Learn more:

Watch "Humanity's Impact" here.