1.4 Interviews Sil van der Woerd and Jorik Dozy

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June 22, 2021
1.4 Interviews Sil van der Woerd and Jorik Dozy

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Studio Birthplace's Sil van der Woerd and Jorik Dozy have been interviewed by 1.4.

An excerpt from the interview:

Q: Studio Birthplace’s work speaks of outstanding commitment and care. How would you sum up the ethos of Studio Birthplace?

A: We live in a time where we face a massive ecological and climate crisis, where communities are threatened and wildlife is rapidly becoming extinct.

At Studio Birthplace, we believe that these are the most important stories of our time. As creative storytellers, it is our role and responsibility to create awareness and inspire positive change.

We push ourselves every day to become more conscious and more informed. We try to push the creative landscape using new technologies and innovative solutions to reach audiences worldwide through the heart.

The full article can be read here.