Drifters Featured on Times Square Arts

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December 1, 2021
Drifters Featured on Times Square Arts

Times Square Arts selected ‘Drifters’ by Studio Birthplace's Sil van der Woerd’s and STUDIO DRIFT to play during their 2021 December Midnight Moment.

Midnight Moment is the world’s largest, longest-running digital art exhibition, synchronized on over 80 electronic billboards throughout Times Square nightly from 11:57pm to midnight.

Here is an excerpt of Times Square Arts write-up on Drifters: 

In ‘Drifters,’ the iconic floating concrete block that has come to define the artists’ oeuvre appears for the first time. The recurring monolith functions as a symbol of our built environment. In this film, the element searches for context, as a new life-form attempting to find purpose and origin in a world it does not belong to. Taking place against the backdrop of the surreal and dreamlike landscapes of the Scottish Highlands, these natural and man-made elements collide to generate images reminiscent of science fiction.

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Read the full write-up on "Drifters" here.